Interviews with Teachers

INTERVIEW WITH ENGLISH TEACHER X -- An interview done by a would-be TEFL website with yours truly, although they didn't seem to know who I actually was

CHRISTOPHER KAVANAGH, AKA THE MICK -- An interview with a convicted drug smuggler, alcoholic, heroin addict and English teacher who has been in Colombia for nearly 30 years (4 years of which were spent in prison.)

INTERVIEW WITH CRAZY BOB -- Everybody's favorite character from VODKABERG waxes philosophical about life, love and degeneracy and a future in TEFL.

ANARCHY IN THE UKRAINE: ECCENTRIC EXPAT PART 1  / PART 2 / PART 3 --  A three-part interview with a teacher working in Eastern Ukraine during the Russian "annexation" of the area:

TEFL TRADESMAN -- Interview with TEFL veteran Sandy McManus, who runs the TEFL Tradesman blog, which exposes the worst schools and teachers in the business.

THE LIBYAN GAMBIT -- English Teacher M discusses a brief sojourn in post- revolution Libya

INTERVIEW WITH COLIN FROM EXPAT CHRONICLES -- A few insights into teaching English in South America from the creator of the Expat Chronicles blog.

INTERVIEW WITH ENGLISH TEACHER F -- An interview with another seasoned veteran of the English teaching profession

OLD INTERVIEWS WITH TEACHERS FROM 2003 -2004 -- This link directs you to a page in my first website, done on Angelfire between 2003 - 2004. Get a look at Internet history as well as TEFL history.

If you feel you have something interesting to say about TEFL, positive or negative, drop me a line at englishteacherx(at)yahoo(dot)com if you would like to be interviewed.

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