Thursday, January 24, 2008

Cock-first Into A Nest of Scorpions

So it finally snowed enough -- about 40 hours straight, I think -- to close the city down. I'm home catching up on my reading -- Neil Strauss's THE GAME, which I bought on sale (hardback) for 5.99 at a Barnes and Noble back in the States -- I figured sitting and reading THAT in the Starbucks while drinking a Caramel Machiatto would be a real American experience.

It's much better than I thought, it turns out, as the writer comes to the eventual conclusion that devoting all your time and energy into picking up random babes will probably turn you into a creepy, shallow, lecherous, manipulative doofus.

And what really made me crap myself laughing -- the girl that wrecks their little pick-up artist community and turns the main alpha-dogs against each other -- is a RUSSIAN.

He seems to gloss right over this fact, laying the blame for the disintegration of their community on infighting and internal rivalries, but I have no doubt the Russian girl engineered the whole thing. . .

We've got like three middle-aged guys working at the school now who came here looking for wives -- might as well leap cock-first into a nest of scorpions.

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