I've been a little disappointed with the lack of negative response to my website. Those (admittedly few) who read it mostly seem to find it funny and honest, though the adjectives "sad" and "disturbed" are also often use.
So imagine my pleasure today when I googled myself and found someone calling me disgusting and immoral!
This is a blog -- ESL in TN -- by a young woman studying ESL at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, full of all sorts of rosy-cheeked idealism about teaching and writing extensive posts about suggestopedia.
I'm sure it's going to be a lot of fun watching her become disillusioned and cynical. Check it out.
What about the feedback on Dave's ESL cafe? There is a thread dedicated to your 'The man who failed the celta course twice' interview?' Some negativity there.
You are immoral and degenerate- it would be n incredibly boring blog otherwise.
PS-Why have your sex stories lost the old spice?
I do admire your dedication; you are showing real stamina in continuing this blog. I wanted to write some comments before but blogger.com wouldn't let me
That was funny. I just left her a few of MY thoughts.
idealistic pc bitch talking smack....just another day
That woman is fucking clueless. Let's hope her students know better than to buy into any of her puritanical bullshit, should she shove it on them in class.
Check out her response to others' comments. I especially liked- I won't be "shagging" any students since I have already have a boyfriend.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! Its bad to be naive, to be under such illusions about human weakness and one's own motivations is really tragic
That woman is fucking clueless. Let's hope her students know better than to buy into any of her puritanical bullshit, should she shove it on them in class.
Awww look. She took down both the comments/criticism/ arguments that people left, as well as her recent ETX-inspired bio of her self.
I guess she realized it made her sound like even more of an uptight, compassionless cow. i copied and pasted her reply intending to point out the gaping holes in her logic later on; may have to re-post that later just to be a thorn in her side.
I feel sorry for her boyfriend, whom she is trying to convince to have kids even tho he doesn't want to. run, man, run!
and etx, really, don't you know that your opinion doesn't count because you get drunk?! i guess mine doesn't count either, since i have sex.
mine doesn't count either because i get drunk AND have sex (and take drugs sometimes)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You people really don't have lives, do you? I took down posts because they aren't pertinent to the reason why I have that blog-to talk about education. My personal views should not be involved on that blog, so I took that down, too. My blog is also not battle grounds for talking to losers, either. You can say what you want about me, because you don't really know anything about me. And yes, also because I don't value the opinion of those who are immoral. I don't know how me disliking immoral things makes me naive, but, uh, so be it. I'd have to say you are the ones naive to think you know anything about me from one post. No one could really know who I am (other than my boyfriend, who thinks you guys are funny and agrees with me completely). Just a bunch of wasted oxygen...so, I'm out. No more comments from me.
Well, you're welcome to comment on my blog anytime, Chastity. And your avatar is looking FINE now.
Is she actually going to teach abroad? She'll never make it back.
the posts critical of the lovely chastity-it was a bit like watching a steamroller crushing a baby hedgehog
but she's like'am I bothered?' cos you are like all immoral cos you drink and shag students and she is abve your cmments and like anyway you know nothing cos you are wasted and she likes chats to her boyfriend and he laffs at you cos he's cool and u r sooo like not.
hahahaha she has the audacity to call you unqualified... what makes her so sure she is qualified... she says she has never thought of using cartoons in the EFL/ESL classroom what a bunch of bullshit! i just found this site and am a peice of white trash in a country just riddled with the same, Poland. EASTERN EUROPEAN CHIX RoX0rZ! im new and fresh out of college majoring in EFL and those stiff necks at british school said i wasnt traditional enough! FUCK THEM! sex, drugs and rockNroll are staples of any healthy life! LET YOURSELF GO! the universe knows what its doing [; this site kix ass
oh and btw suggestopedia can be some cool beans... hypnotize your entire class before the class starts and see how many you can have dancing like chickens on their desks before leaving the classroom [; impressionable youngins gotta luv em... [;
Yeah, she talks about being "qualified" when she isn't even finished with her fucking course yet, and has like two months experience. . .
well without these people we wouldnt laugh... and there would be no basis for comparison [; sad but they have their place [; -English Teacher AmE in Poland
The poor deluded girl will learn. But maybe, she will be forever professional and teach us about professionalism because she will marry someone with a real job and who will support her TESL/TEFL efforts; thus she will forever be sheltered from the cold, harsh realities of TESL/TEFL.
I like the post on March 26 by that guy in Dubai (http://EnglishTeacherX.com). He is right!
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