Aw man. They've decided to sack one of my colleagues for repeatedly being drunk and/or badly hungover at work.
This is the kind of thing I was dreading; this is a guy I frequently get drunk with, and I'm supposed to fire him for being drunk.
I told the administration that I didn't want to be involved, for personal reasons, and that this was between them and him. But he kind of expects me to take his side.
You big pussy!
You take the shot of respnsibility, you must deal with the hangover!!!
Pull your socks up, take a deep breath, and fire his drunken ass. Enjoy it.
If you have to fire him, the least you could do is buy him a drink when you're done.
You made your decision when you became DOS.
Give the bloke a good reference and put him on the train to Desolationgrad. If he's that far into the bottle he'll like it there.
So it turns out he got the proverbial "one last chance." Four weeks to prove he can sober up, or he's out on his mottled vein-damaged ear.
It goes to show you how the job is changing though, that they even care that he smells like alcohol. . .
don't you feel that you are partly responsible; after all, you are his superior. Normally, you are the model for the proper behavior, whether you like it or not. He was just behaving like you. Why should he get the boot and not you? It's like the Abu Grhaib thing, only the little guys got punished. It seems like both of you have some cleaning up to do.
Yes, you're absolutely correct. This guy, A Scottish man of 43, five years older than I am, had never taken a drink in his life until he saw me do it. "What's that gold frothy stuff," he asked me as I poured it out for him.
"It's called beer," I said with a sinister glitter in my eye. "And the first one is free. . ."
After that, the die was cast.
Now shut up, you fucking moron.
AHAHAHH english that's some funny shit!!! man ur the best
you've been getting drunk with your inferiors and they are getting fired for it. Bravo. That must make you feel nice, judging from your last post.
x said:
"you fucking moron"
I say:
"I know you are but what am I?"
I had a nice, poetic response all thought up for you, dear one. I fell asleep and it is lost. Damn, I need to keep a notebook and pen near the bed post, kind of like you keep a ...
be careful to NOT respond to all of my comments; respond to only the ones that suit you.
how many times did you invite your dear inferior out for drinks? knowing that he was very likely to come into work smelling of the swill? how many times did you invite him on a binge? are you the instigator? how many times did you need someone to accompany you on your adventures? how many times will he play your fool? How many times will you stand aside and let him be fired? how many others will you use?
And how many times did I go out with him? How many times did I TURN DOWN invitations from him? And how many times did I get my shit together to clean up, stop drinking and teach, and how many times did he not?
And how long have I been his "superior" -- since February, when he's been working her for four years, and has gotten a written warning about drinking every year, including a year in which he worked in another city and had never met me?
And how many more morons are going to respond to this post?
you like slipping in little insults, don't you? fucking loser x.
X has sold out!
How many more suckers are going to get scammed into coming to Samara, be given a shitty welcome at the airport, shoved in the back of a zhiguli, rushed to your school only to sit unattended for 4 hours before being thrown in a rat infested appartment.
Appears you don't look after your teachers, do ya X.....Seen plenty of guys like you play the rebel only to sell out in the end to be management's bitch for a pittance... Dare you to delete this you pussy....
You're like one of those guys at the office who takes a mini-management job, sucks up all week to the boss, then expects to hang out like one of the boys at happy hour. Can't walk the fence X. Can't have it both ways.... Nobody respects a weasly turncoat. Be a Man, take a side.
43 yr old Scot in Russia, dont think hed need much encouragement to hit the bottle.
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