I've never been much for the latest gadgets and such that most people my age like a lot; I comfortably get along with mostly outdated technical equipment. I buy all my phones used and cheap, because of a tendency to lose and break them; I only bought my first CD player in the year 2000, getting by with casettes before that.
I got out my old Playstation (1) the other night when I was home ill -- what was not particularly state-of-the-art in 1999 when I bought it is positively a retro pleasure now, along the lines of the text-only adventure games from my childhood.
My computer is a Pentium 3 notebook, which I inherited from my step-sister, which I guess probably came into being sometime around the Millenium. (This is a considerable step up from the Pentium 1 desktop I was using from 2001 - 2003, which was a gift from a student.)
I use a dial-up connection -- 48 kbps -- and I'm pretty good at opening three pages at the same time so I've got something to look at while the others load.
Last week, however, I finally decided to get cable internet, as it's come down in price considerably. After paying $50 and waiting around for three hours for the guy to come install it, he came and drilled holes in the wall and fed the cable in and led it to my computer . . .
And then informed me that my computer was too old to use it, didn't have the right hardware or ports. I asked if there was some kind of adaptor that I could buy -- he rolled his eyes like, "Yeah right, some magical adaptor that will make an old crappy computer new."
Buy a MAC> Nothing Else and be done with it. Forget using Windows as your Red badge of Courage.
I guess now that you're the boss you can afford a better computer, eh?
You are the prototype of an English Teacher ie. ugly, short and can't get bitches back home.
You and X should work as a tag-team.......the 12yr old Cambodian whores would love you!
Hey ETX, the age of your computer should not matter, you probably only need a network card and they only cost about $20. Even a mac would require a network card, no matter how hard mac fanboys will try to tell you otherwise -=x
network card or, if you've got a USB slot on that beast, get a USB wifi receiver and either buy a wireless router or ride on an open network if there's one nearby.
or scrap the thing, break down, and buy a dell (or mac, for more money and arguably fewer headaches. not much bootleg software available for macs tho, so perhaps the dell is your better choice).
Thanks for the helpful advice; I'm just going to buy a new one, they're not that expensive. Got my eye on an acer. . .
And I'll be able to play the bootleg copy of "Grand Theft Auto" that would never play on my Pentium III four years ago.
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