Friday, May 28, 2010

The England Vs. America Debate

A cartoon from 2004:

A lot of English teachers are complete blowhards who think they know everything. (I suspect they get into English teaching because the students have no choice but to listen to them.)

Those kind of long drunken cheap-bar-table arguments might be a thing of the past soon, however; with 3G and Iphones that easily connect to Internet, facts can be proven true or false very quickly and easily. (Drives my office mates crazy.)

Now that's one aspect of "the old days" I won't be sad to see fall by the wayside, I think. . .


Anonymous said...

Fucking Yanks, my local library is older than your country. You're all fat, and what the hell's going on with all the guns?

You might have saved us in WWII, but we'll smash you at the World Cup.

Baseball? What the fuck is all that about? Football is the beautiful game, and I don't mean that muscle-bound crap you play in Yankland.

Anonymous said...

only two good things ever came out of England -- The Rolling Stones and America.

Anonymous said...

Obama is really from Middlesex.

sean said...

I always found that debate amusing. what annoyed me was when canadians started trying to give americans grief.

cancadians think that people actually give a rats arse about their country. being neighbours doesn't mean jack. they're about as important to the rest of the world as mexico.

Anonymous said...

canadians and new zealanders -- permanently ratty that they've never contributed much to the world other than Bryan Adams and LORD OF THE RINGS (respectively.)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

(I should have said COLONY, not country)

Anonymous said...

One attempting to see the decline of the British empire need look no further than Mr. Bean.

TeflSecretagent said...

The British Empire still exists, think of the Faulklands! plus we all no American is a British puppet state, has been for years!

Anonymous said...

We drink tea and complain, whilst Yanks eat burgers and shoot each other.

Anonymous said...

why would you want America back now, it's a trillion dollars in debt and covered in oil as well. . .

English Teacher X said...

British taxi driver kills 12 in gun rampage. In addition he's fat.

Eat your words along with some limes, you snaggle-toothed Queen-lickers.

Anonymous said...

Read that story again X. It is a very English tale of mass-murder.

All the victims were so nice. Retired post-man, rugby player, nice old woman. Everyone in this village knew eachother. No drugs, no video games, no internet.

Just an honest-to-goodness snaggle-toothed, fat(ish), pub-going, taxi-driving BRIT.

Goooooooooooooooood save our gracious Queen etc.

This guy in this clip, who was shot in the face and was fine, IS England:

Read it and weep colonial flotsam!!!

Anonymous said...

ha, couldn't even beat the "yanks" and soccer . . .