Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Scam 2: The Foreigner and the Samaritan


Some guy in Spain said...

It's a shame that she was scammed that way. Filipinos in Vietnam had a similarly elaborate scam of getting some hapless tourist, asking them to come along for a game of cards and subsequently bilking the marks for all they're worth.

Japanese are often (rightly) criticized for being some of the most gullible travelers, but I wonder if Americans or other westerners are really any better.

Anonymous said...

I went through the Filipino blackjack scam in Saigon in 2007.

I didn't lose any money because they became exasperated with my lack of card playing aptitude and didn't object when I said I was leaving. I couldn't remember the rules of blackjack, let alone the stupid tricks that they try to teach you as part of the scam.

I was drinking in Pham Ngu Lao when I agreed to go with them, and one of the reasons I wanted to get away from them was that my beer buzz was wearing off while they went through the motions of their convoluted scam.

If they'd just given me more booze and walked me to an ATM I probably would have given them anything they wanted.

Basic failure to apply the KISS principle.

Anonymous said...

Hey X,

I was just looking at your Amazon reviews and I was wondering if you are actually Doofus McNeill and uglazniga. If so, I love it. Could you explain how this is done? Thanks in advance, naturally.

English Teacher X said...

Mwah-ha-hah. I am one of those ... or all of them ... or none of them ...

Basically you can choose one "pen name" on your Amazon account. Otherwise I guess you could make different accounts but you'd probably need to use different credit cards.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

X, thanks for the info. Damn, I was hoping that it would be easier than that. Hey, could you give me your credit card number? It would only be used to create a sock-puppet Amazon reviewer account. Promise, only that. You can trust me. Well, as before, thanks in advance.