Sunday, December 03, 2017


Seems like pretty much everyone I know is despairing about the state of the world and the future now.

Perhaps it's just the company I keep, but the internet would tend to support this general sense of doom and gloom.

But one does need to keep things in perspective.

I'm 48 and a half; the global events in and around my life haven't been entirely pleasant , including standouts such as the Vietnam and Afghan wars, September 11, the Ethiopian famine, and so forth.

But let's take a look at the first 50 years of the 20th century.

Let's see, we had:

  • World War I (a war of unprecedented destruction which also completely re-drew Europe)
  • The 1918 flu pandemic that killed 3-5 percent of the global population
  • The terrifying environmental disaster of the Dust Bowl
  • The Great Depression
  • Hitler, World War II, and the Holocaust
  • The rise of Stalin with his Purges and engineered famines that also killed millions. 
During that period we had presidents such as Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge, who with the Teapot Dome Scandal, are generally considered among the worst.

So, THOSE were some rough years. The nearly half-century of my life has been a comparative cakewalk, and of course that worst thing that has happened to me personally is like, losing my sunglasses in the Galopogas Islands or something.


Anonymous said...

The Holohoax? You need to learn to read and understand propaganda.

English Teacher X said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
English Teacher X said...

Jesus titty-fucking Christ, Nazi Guy, why would you possibly be interested in reading English Teacher X? Have you been blocked even from all the alt-right sites?

I have visited both Dachau and Auschwitz, as well as spoken as a child with a veteran who had been present at the liberation of one of the camps, so I can testify that there is indeed a real word beyond random incoherent scrawlings on internet forums. You might look into it.

Here's some interesting propganda for you:

Anonymous said...

Liking Hitler is like liking the Anti-Christ -- loser worship. The same smmelly little kids who scrawl swastikas all over their school folders are also drawing "666" and inverted crucifixes.

Zionist said...

That article is fucking hilarious -- a good example of the kind of confused idiot who currently support "white nationalism" despite living abroad.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who can read can easily find that the Holohoax is Allied war propaganda. One to justify the fire bombing of European, not just German, cities and two for the creation of Israel where 6 million jews, that Kabalah number, magically popped up straight from the crematoriums.

You don't have to be a nazi to understand this simple matter.

It also did not help that the "Allies" were bombing the supply routes to the camps. Starvation and disease are quit deadly in war.

I personally do not care of Hitler was trying to gas all the jews or not but the Holohoax is a hoax and easily proven so.

You can then look into Pearl Harbor, the Lusitania, The USS Liberty, the GUlf of Tonkin and many more. War propaganda. All nations do it. Why not the USA?

Anonymous said...

It's anutha shoah!

Anonymous said...

@zionist, what about all those confused jew/zionists who did/do support Israel/Zionism despite living abroad? Ah, we know, the chosen ones don't have to play by the rules for us dirty goyim.

Hilarious hey?

English Teacher X said...

You could look at this two ways, Nazi Guy -- either most of the world bought a line of old bullshit, or you did. The evidence overwhelmingly supports the latter case.

What sort of level of special effects work in the 40s was available that could reproduce piles of corpses and crowds of emaciated survivors like this?

Unknown said...

@x you are confused. The hoax part is the spin put on it. Not that jews died. You do usually kill your enemies in war. The Germans were very the jews considering the cneturies of abuse they suffered at their hands. They could have put a bullet in every jews head in one day and killed them all. Like the Armenian genocide. Yet they did not.

Pretty massive virtue signalling here X. Do you have a dog in the fight? Or just getting old?

Unknown said...

Jesus in a jumpsuit, have the rabid vermin crawled even into this joyous corner of the Internet?

English Teacher X said...

The internet has become a bad crowd, indeed.

Returning to the logic of white nationalists living abroad, original Nazi, are you saying that it's okay to do, because Zionists do it too, or that nobody should do it, because Zionist do it?

This is the basic fact beyond which the argument should never proceed: IF you live abroad, you are a globalist. That is a fact, no matter how much you squawk to the contrary.

Anonymous said...

"Virture signalling?" I'm still using Beta and Mangina, am I out of the Game? Bros? Dudes? Is this still the Manosphere?

Anonymous said...

Sorry dude, it got co-opted. By the Nazis.

English Teacher X said...

I know, we were having so much fun there with our race-mixing and globalism for a while, now all the same guys are spewing conspiracy-laden right wing buffoonery. It just goes to show you what allowing paid advertising on your site will do.

Anonymous said...

@X Just saying the Hoalohoax was a hoax and it happens to be true. Every Jew in every camp in every German occupied territory would have been dead if the efficient Germans wanted them dead. It could have been done in one day. It was Communist, Zionist and Allied propaganda just like the Katlyn Forest Massacre.

Playing the victim can pay but the Jews, as they always do before they are deported from the lands they colonize and exploit, have overplayed their hand. Telling a lie that big and forcing it down everyone's throat and even imprisoning those who challenge it will come back to bite them.

Not sure what living abroad has to do with anything.

Alpha Testosterone said...

But wait a second! It was just like 5 years ago the essence of manhood was going abroad and banging a bunch of foreign girls! What the fuck, man! Now I have to go back to America and ... what? Become a political pundit?

English Teacher X said...

Sorry dude, yes. See, if you live abroad, you are implying that open borders, immigration / emigration, race mixing, and working / living in a foreign country are perfectly acceptable. Unless you agree with the credo "words not deeds."

Anonymous said...

I know right? What's next, you think? Neo-Puritanism?

Anonymous said...

@X hypocrisy is part of the human condition. Virtue signally doesn't change that. Who would have thought that you would start giving lectures on morality to people. Too much time alone in China maybe?

English Teacher X said...

hypocrisy is part of the human condition, and virtue signaling doesn't change that?

Do you see that you basically just contradicted yourself in a single sentence? And kind of contradicted yourself twice?

So virtue signaling, as a form of hypocrisy, would not in fact be a natural part of the human condition?

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought that wannabe Nazis would start posting on a globalist English Teacher site. It's like listening to meat eaters tell you about how great vegetarianism is.

English Teacher X said...

So what's the opposite of "virtue signalling"?

"Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values done primarily with the intent of enhancing standing within a social group."

What's a good term for the conspicuous expression of white nationalist, alt-right values done primarily with the intent of enhancing one's standing?

Let's have a contest! Winner gets free books or something!

Carl said...

"Sexpat National Socialism" or "Racemixing Racial Purity Activist"

Anonymous said...

If someone lives overseas he or she must be race mixing? Seems some of you live in an echo chamber. Maybe he or she is trying to escape the hordes of blacks and browns raping and pillaging in the The Nations?

Anonymous said...

"Champagne national socialist"

English Teacher X said...

Oh right, that's a good one. Anybody from the huffington post is reading, I'll sell you that one for $500.

Well, I just HOPE you're keeping your mongrel American bloodline to yourself, Champagne Nazi.

Anonymous said...

Neo Puritanism is a good bet, X. If you're following the Tara McCarthy feuds, you'll sense that witch-burning will be the next big thing.

Anonymous said...

Being opposed to genocide and Nazis is "virtue signalling" in the modern parlance, eh? It used to be called "That which our grandfathers fought and died for" and "The American way"

Anonymous said...

Well, you missed the part about the genocide of the jews, the fake shoah being a hoax. A cause of great sorrow to me is that Hitler was too much of a coward to kill all of the synagogue of satan while he had it in his grasp. What a wasted opportunity to save this world 100's of millions of senseless deaths and suffering.

I mean where are the scales of justice to tip? Exterminate an evil parasitic race and save humanity. 6 million (well would be more today and interestingly they claim to be 6 million in the USA today) deaths in exchange for the life of 100's of millions. Let's be fair and honest folks.

Next time the ovens will be for real.

Anonymous said...

And when the war starts, your foreign hosts will put your sorry ass up against the wall first, and that will be the end of your sad story, Champagne Nazi.

Anonymous said...

Nah, I'll be back in The Nations by then. Besides I would take my cyanide pill distributed by Dr. Mengle before they got to me.

The Day of the Rope draws near.

Anonymous said...

Do you cry at the end of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARC when all the Nazis get melted?

Anonymous said...

Mein Fuhrer,

First I want to express my unending love and devotion. Next, I ask you to smite my enemies. The enemy of our people deserve a painful death.

Mein Fuhrer, my love and devotion is eternal.

Anonymous said...

It's not that easy to just kill a whole group of people. The logistics are against you. You have to actually do something with the bodies, you have to actually load all those guns. And most people wouldn't have had the stomach to see a feticide at the level of one spring of carnage. Ot was much easier to just store the Jewish people in camps and quietly kill them. I'm pretty sure German would have had problems if they just mass murdered all the Jews. The average person would be scared as fuck.

So in the end the they just did it more slowly, which maybe isn't logical, but it doesn't mean there was any compassion, just consideration of the messiness of the alternative.

Genocides create messes. Period.

Anonymous said...

That's not how under the Donmah Jews (Ataturk)they killed millions of Armenians and Greeks in Turkey. They just made them dig ditches then killed them and dumped them in the ditches. Millions killed very quickly.

And that is not how the Jews did their genocides that are all over the Bible. They just put every man and woman to the sword and kept the young women and children as sex slaves.

So, yea the Germans could have easily put a bullet or a bayonet to every Jew under their command. But they did not. Hmmmm.....

Anonymous said...

Psalm 137:9 states, “Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.”

How those righteous jews rolled in the Old Testament (Torah.

They just project their own evil unto others with these Holocaust hysterics.

Anonymous said...

Just as you project your own self-hatred, racial impurity, and insecurity into the nebulous, untouchable secret conspiracy of Jews? Unable even to find a decent job in your home country, you thus condemn Zionism?

Anonymous said...

You have no idea who I am, where I work and anything about my race; pure or impure. I could be a jew for all you know. Many jews expose the lies of the holohoax and zionism.

If your are interested there are libraries of book about the Jews and Their Lies; that is the title of none other than Martin Luther's book (not the Kang one).

Anonymous said...

What the Jews did in classical times. Holohoax is Classical projection (pun intented)

DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the course of that great state-form: "The Jews were destroying both Greeks and Romans. They ate the flesh of their victims, made belts for themselves out of their entrails, and daubed themselves with their blood... In all, 220,000 men perished in Cyrene and 240,000 in Cyprus, and for this reason no Jew may set foot in Cyprus today." (Roman History)

Anonymous said...

"But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them."

Martin Luther (not the kang)

Anonymous said...

"But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them."

MARIA THERESA, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia (1771 - 1789)

Anonymous said...

The sun never did shine on a more bloodthirsty and revengeful people as they, who imagine to be the people of God, and who desire to and think they must murder and crush the heathen. And the foremost undertaking which they expect of their Messiah is that he should slay and murder the whole world with the sword.

Martin Luther (not a kang). You see, he read their secret book, the Talmud, which is now out of the bag and can be read by all. They took great pains to make their real beliefs secret from the filthy goyim.

Anonymous said...

For over 1,700 years, the Jews have been bewailing their sad fate in that they have been exiled from their homeland, as they call Palestine. But gentlemen, did the world give it to them in fee simple, they would at once find some reason for not returning. Why? Because they are vampires, and vampires do not live on vampires. They cannot live only among themselves. They must subsist on Christians and other people not of their race.

Benjamin Franklin

Anonymous said...

Clearly, we are stepping away from anti-semitism into schizophrenia, here. No wonder you couldn't find mates and jobs among your own race.

English Teacher X said...

the quote by Franklin is a hoax, and in addition to being used by Neo-Nazi websites, it is also frequently quoted on Islamic extremist websites. You guys have so much in common with ISIS, why don't you kiss and make up?

Anonymous said...

Let's give you the benefit of the doubt. I have no idea if Franklin's quote is a hoax. That does not negate nearly every White man of importance (and many non-White men)who warned of the hatred and evil of the Jew. It is right there in their "holy" books for everyone to read.

Funny how we don't find in Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism, European Paganism (the historical kind like the Greeks and Romans)or any other religion not descended from the Torah anything about slaughtering, enslaving, exploiting and abusing the people of the earth outside out the "Tribe".

To the poster above; how would you know anything about me finding mates or jobs? And ain't it funny how leftards like to claim racial inferiority for their enemies.Hope your nigger friends know what you really think.

Anonymous said...

You're reading English Teacher X, which assuredly means you are an English teacher living abroad, which makes you a Champagne Nazi, and you're American, since you use words like "Leftard" so you have a mongrel American bloodline. A quick trip to will clear that up for you, since you seem to doubt it. Although you're clearly a guy who chooses the facts he likes rather than the facts that are supported by evidence.

Anonymous said...

Who are not mongrels in your estimation? The British? A mix of Celt and German and Nordic throw in some Roman. What about the French? What about the Swedes; a ,mix of Nordic, German, Balt, Slav and Finn who brought all that mongrel blood to Britain?

Yea. Didn't think so.

Maybe I am not an American who learned American English. Or maybe American English words spread around the world as no one wants to speak the retarded Queen's English much less some other British dialect. Fact is you're talking out your ass. And from your butthurt I suspect you are a Chosenite who really believes the fairy tale of your racial superiority over the filthy goyim.

Anyway doesn't change the fact that Judaism is a psychopathic religion, the true racists and a people who have exploited the world for way too long. Your time is coming. I smell ovens getting hot.
Nollaig Shona Dhuit

English Teacher X said...

So you're saying that racial purity is a myth then? Be careful they'll kick you out of the gang. I understand that there was a schism in the Aryan Nation prison gangs because it was getting so hard to find "real" whites they started letting halfies in.

Anonymous said...

Me, I'm pure blooded Korean on both sides of the family, and a second generation American, though I decided my teaching prospects in Korea were far superior to America.

Does it not strike you that all those quotes against Jews are mainly by emporers and demagogues, and that blaming outsiders and minorities is the usual way that the right keeps the poor divided and confused, and justifies slashing spending on social programs? Now you've worked hard retweeting nonsense, to elect a guy whose main victory thus far has been drastically slashing taxes on rich people.

And of course, in the modern world, is it the Jews who are the hated bringers of death, cultural destruction and greed, or is it the Americans?

I could point out how few Jews there are on the lists of billionaires and CEOS, but you'd just say they're hiding in their secret extra-dimensional magic lairs.

Zionist said...

One of the stranger things that the anti-Jew folks come up with is that Jews are somehow involved in cannibalism and blood drinking. When they won't even eat pork, and require a very specific type of de-sanguinated slaughter to make other meat kosher.

It just shows that the white nationalists never met a fact that they couldn't just ignore.

Anonymous said...

I never said anything about racial purity. Only Jews think like that. It's codified in their racist so-called religion.

Mr Korean you are a complete idiot if you do not know about Jewish money power. Read up and then come back when you know a thing or two.

Talking about welfare states in the Medieval period makes you give new meaning to mongoloid. Jews engaged in usury (money lending), tax farming, gambling scams, white slavery, and anything else to make a shekel. The native people where ever they lived at all times always grew to hate their rapaciousness. Blacks, Arabs, Asians, Europeans, Native and all. Blathering about Hitler, the Holocaust, the poor little jews makes you a shabaz goy.

Stop reading X's animal porn and you might grow a little out of your holohoax movie education.

English Teacher X said...

Well, then I ask you, Champagne Nazi, why are you continuing to read English Teacher X? Not enough sympathetic ears over at Stormfront?

Anonymous said...

Interesting twist in the comments section! FWIW, a hell of a lot of people died in WW2, a small proportion of whom were Jews killed by the Nazis. The whole "organised gassing" thing doesn't ring true (there would have been some documentary evidence, of which there is none; the logistics and timescale of burning that many bodies don't pan out, etc) but no doubt there were really piles of corpses as X says, as there were all over the world at the time.

The issue a lot of people have is the manner in which Jewish organisations have, through judicious use of media and political/educational lobbying, basically turned the entire WW2 into the "holocaust story" (part of which probably didn't even happen). Never mind the tens of millions dead in China, Russia, etc. Never mind that the latter stages of the war were utterly brutal, with mass killings happening left, right and centre. It's all about the Jews, from Hollywood movies to state-funded memorials to laws imprisoning people who exercise free speech to cast doubt on the official version.

The reason for all of this, of course, is too obviou$ for word$.

Not a Nazi, just an open-minded person

Anonymous said...

The reason Jews were involved in money lending is because in Catholic controlled Middle-Ages Europe, there were few other jobs they could get. Catholics weren't permitted to involve themselves in usury, so the Jews filled that gap. For all the thanks they got.